So lets start with my questions:
1. Where will you email from now?
A dank, cold, wet internet hotspot. Just like before. Except cold this time.
2. Who is your new companion?
Elder Bravo from Arika, Chile
3. What is your apartment like?
Ha ha ha. We don't have one. We are living in the same place we have the Sacrament meeting. This is NUTS. It`s like being a missionary in the 1800`s.
4. Is it cold there?
5. Do they speak Kechwa?
Nope. Santiago de Chuco is very much an old Spanish town.
6. Is it a poor undeveloped place?
7. Why haven't they ever had missionaries?
Church hasn't made it this far yet. It's pretty isolated from the world.
8. What do you do for church if there isn't one there?
We have it in our room. Ha ha ha ha. We do the entire block of meetings.
9. How do you travel back to the mission office for meetings?
5 hour bus ride
10. How can you be over a zone if the next missionaries are 4 hrs away?
Who else is going to do it? They're not close to anyone else, either. Ha ha ha
11. How will you get your mail?
12. Do you really think you will end your mission there? That's still 9 months away
Maybe. If I do leave, I will be surprised. I am not sure that they will want to move me if I have confidence from the few, new church members here. One man who came to church had a 2 hour us ride that made him wake up at 4 am to catch. He is from even deeper in the mountains.
Wow....... this is by far the most insane thing I have ever experienced. We are SO far out here..... ha ha ha ha. It is super cold. I am trying to attach pictures, but public computers aren't easy for me to understand..... I can't figure out how to do it. I hate computers so much......
I am glad RJ is still the Great Scott I once knew. I love him to death. Can't believe he's already home. Seems like it was yesterday that he left. I will not have seen him in almost 3 whole years when I finally do again. Crazy. He's my brother.
Please send thermal garments. Ha ha ha ha. It's pretty cold at 9,500 ft. And they say that it is summer up here.........
I wish I could type faster. I don't have enough time to write all the letters I want to write. It has been the frustration of my entire mission. I love everyone and will tell them all what I want to when I get back.
Early summer in Pine Canyon? My favorite. This is the coldest June ever. Ha ha ha.
I am really typing slow. Cold fingers plus broken keyboard. This might be how it is from here on out.... ha ha ha. Sorry.
I know that our Savior lives and loves us. He is merciful, and asks only our best. Nobody is perfect, and that is why we have the Atonement. Because He lives, we too will live again.
I love you Lane.
Comfortably dumb
Study hard, Courtney. It's worth it.
I love you mom. I miss you a ton. Sometimes I wish could just annoy you again like I used to aways do. But that can wait for now. I love you and wish I coud write you more.
Grandma Boekweg, I am grateful for your stories. Keep sending them. I love you
Love you all, Goodbye,
- Elder Boekweg
Saying Goodbye to Pres Marler. Off to the Sierra Zone.
Chance and new companion Elder Bravo.
Elder Boekweg; you continue to be in my prayers twice a day. I will add Elder Bravo to my prayers. You are truly doing what the first Church missionaries did in going to England. Interesting that you are in the same mountains where the Nephites and Lamanites walked. I worry about you in those wilds. Know that I am so grateful for what you are doing. Grace Duffy