Sunday, June 1, 2014


It is confirmed that I am getting sent to the Mountains. Santiago de Chuco....... there is no church there. No members. No missinoaries. It is 4 hours from the nearest missinoaries, who are also in the mountains. I will be the very first set of missionaries to ever be there. I will build the church from the ground up. There is nothing there............ crazy, huh? Some pig farming kid from Lincoln, Utah, in the Andes. Pray for me.... ha ha ha ha. Stuff's about to get REAL. I'm hoping to roll in there like Ammon and convert the king and then the whole city. Ha ha ha. I might even get thrown in jail and stuff. I am teaching to the Lamanites in their same old mountains.... it's like a real life book of Mormon adventure. Ha ha ha. I am going to die......

I really hope everyone understands how little time I have to write. It takes 20 minutes to write President, 20 minutes to read everyone's emails, and then I am left with 20 minutes to write. And when your typing speed is like 3 words a minute, it's hard to get out more than one good letter. I am sorry to everyone who has been bummed about me not writing back. I wish I had another half hour of internet a week so I could show everyone that I appreciated their emails. 

There are SO many terrible pictures of me on that mission blog.... ha ha ha ha ha. Seems like every time I make it on, I see it and then wish I hadn't been. Ha ha ha ha. I am so un-photogenic. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

It sounds like I will be ending my mission there in Santiago. Crazy, right? I'll have 7 changes there when it's all over. I will be building the church up from absolute 0, and they are going to need a solid, unchanging person to trust. Sister Marler told me to get ready to stick around up there. It's odd to think that it could all end so soon....

Mom..... I really don't have much time this week........

Dad is so funny. Love you man.

I have the WEIRDEST mission ever. I went to the office at 16 weeks in the mission field. Then I trained a sister. Now I am going to Zone Leader without ever having been District Leader............ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I have never heard of another mission like mine. It's bizarre.

I love you Brayden

Kaylee Hopper...... you are running out of time........................

Linzi Kelsey - You are the bomb.

Rj Scott - CONGRATS, MAN! Be sure to keep the old home warm for me! (you probably haven't been warm in a long time.....) Ha ha ha ha. I wish I could hear your homecoming testimony. I love you and am proud to call you my brother. See you soon enough!

I think that's all I've got time for this week....... one last thing that is really important: I heard that I have to register a year in advance for BYU if I want to go in the fall of 2015? Will you make sure that's either true or not? Because if it is, I am going to need to start working on it before August, right? I just don't want to make a dumb mistake like missing the registration deadline. ha ha ha ha. 

-Elder Boekweg

More pictures NEXT week!
 This is the Sierra Zone where Chance is going.
 The rainy season is over and the flowers are beautiful
Finding out he is a Zone Leader in the Sierra Zone.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Elder Boekweg. Pig farming in Lincoln to eating Guinea Pigs in the mountains of Peru. Prayers are with you for changing the hearts of the mountain people. Be safe and be strong.

    Grace Duffy
